October 2023

Weinlese 2023 Collage klein

Selected good!

Early selective harvest brought best qualities

This year we had to harvest the grapes in a selective hand harvest from the very first day. Never before has our experienced team started so early, as early as mid-September, with the early varieties Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay. Never before has the harvest been finished so early. Due to the very high temperatures, the Riesling grapes ripened quickly. Targeted sorting reduced the yield, but at the same time healthy grapes with high qualities could be harvested. Strong Kabinett Rieslings from the Trabener Würzgarten, a Spätlese fruit-sweet from the Enkircher Steffensberg and once again a noble sweet Auslese from the Zeppwingert are among the pleasing results. With the 2023 vintage, we are also producing for the first time a Ürziger Würzgarten Riesling Kabinett trocken and a Ürziger Würzgarten Riesling Auslese as well as a Chardonnay from the Trabener Würzgarten.

Read the entire harvest balance sheet HERE >>>

Juni 2023

VH Etik Shop PetNat

May we introduce? Our new PET NAT Riesling!

The VILLA HUESGEN PET NAT Pétillant Naturel Riesling is produced according to the original form of bottle fermentation. An unfiltered and yeast-transparent Riesling pearl wine with a delicate perlage. Wonderfully creamy. With aromas of citrus, orange peel and ripe yellow apples. A sparkling wild aperitif!

The Pet (German: Haustier) has a long tradition at the Villa: in the small rehearsal room of the Villa Huesgen, in the so-called Saufstübchen, you can find the little monkey hanging upside down from the railing. The Art Nouveau architect of the house, Bruno Möhring, loved the comic. So the witty, wild little monkey moved into the premises and has already experienced many a tingling #meandmymonkey hour with Riesling.

November 2022


VILLA HUESGEN Harvest Report 2022

A wine year of extremes and challenges - read about it in our Harvest Report 2022 - is slowly coming to an end. The Riesling, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Noir musts are fermenting after 4 weeks of daily hand-harvesting in the steep and steepest sites of our vineyards - in our new VILLA HUESGEN wine manufactory in Traben-Trarbach!

HERE the complete harvest report as PDF for download >>>

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April 2022


The holiday flat of the VILLA HUESGEN Wine Estate is nestled between the Art Nouveau villa, the Mönchhof, an historical monument,  and a spacious private park.The very bright 76 sqm holiday flat for 2-4 peolple with a view to the Moselle is located on the first floor of a small detached house. It consists of a spacious eat-in kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom with shower, a terasse with view to Mosel and park and a private parking in front of the house

More information HERE in our flyer >>>

Please send your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

2022 mm plakat Facebook

10. - 12. Juni 2022


Endlich wieder soweit – Mythos Mosel: Eine Riesling Reise ruft internationale Weinliebhaber dazu auf, am 11. und 12. Juni an die Mosel zu reisen. Die siebte Riesling Reise führt von Detzem erstmalig bis Wintrich. 30 Gastgeber Weingüter und rund 90 Gastwinzer präsentieren entlang der Strecke ihre besten Weine. 

VILLA HUESGEN ist dieses Jahr zu Gast im Weingut Nik Weis - St. Urbans-Hof, Urbanusstr. 16 in Leiwen.

Ticketverkauf: voraussichtlich ab 1. Mai (unter Berücksichtigung der geltenden Coronabestimmungen) unter www.mythos-mosel.de

Juli 2020


Michael Christian Meier berichtet über seine "Genussvollen, historischen und überracshenden Momente in Traben-Trarbach".

Inspiriend und einladend! HIER geht es zum Beitrag >>> und dem Podcast mit Ado Huesgen im Gespräch.



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September 2019


In August 2019 Weingut Villa Huesgen has been rewarded with the certificate FAIR’N GREEN for its sustainable viniculture.

Fair And Green e.V., which was founded in 2013 as an association for higher standard of sustainability, supports its members to obtain a higher standard in conservation, environmental viticulture, higher biological diversity, protection of natural resources, fair wages, social engagement, preservation and improvement of the natural environment. FAIR’N GREEN sets minimum standards and supports constant improvements, from procurement to viniculture and wine making to the distribution.

VILLA HUESGEN, since 1735 a family owned winery on the Mosel River, accepts, together with FAIR’N GREEN, the responsibilities for nature and man in the production of its fine wines.

Novemver 2020

New Robert Parker Wine Adovacte Ratings for Villa Huesgen

90 Points - 2019 Alte Reben Riesling wurzelecht Enkircher Steffensberg dry

92 Points - 2019 Enkircher Steffensberg Riesling Kabinett semi-dry

93 Points - 2018 Enkircher Zeppwingert Riesling Auslese sweet

09VH Enkicher Steffensberg Riesling Kabinett 2018 Certificate WINE101978 GER DWWA2019     10VH Schiefer Riesling 2018 Certificate WINE101988 GER DWWA2019     11VH BTG Riesling 2018 Certificate WINE109017 GER DWWA2019

May 2019

3 new awards for Villa Huesgen at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2019

Since 16 years Decanter, the leading international wine magazine, are awarding prizes for the best wines of the world in blind tastings.

And – Villa Huesgen has won:

Silver with 91 points for VILLA HUESGEN 2018 Enkircher Steffensberg Riesling Kabinett feinherb                                                                                                         Silber with 90 Punkten für VILLA HUESGEN 2018 Trabener Würzgarten Schiefer Riesling trocken                                                                                                          Bronze with 87 Punkten für VILLA HUESGEN 2018 ByTheGlass Riesling

You will find further information about the Decanter Wine Award 2019 HERE >>>